since 1997 A2C is working as a technology consulting and software development company, serving Federal Governments, public institutions as well as private international corporations in many business sectors, such as information-technology, engineering, manufacturing, retail and software. Our highly qualified and motivated employees and partnering network of skilled professionals are eager to serve the needs of our valued customers.
With more than twenty years of experience and countless projects we bring together the best of technology, engineering and software to create smart solutions of true sustainability that persue an environment in which humans can coexist with nature for the good of present and future generations.
Sustainability however is more than just a matter of using natural resources, air pollution or waste management. More than ever, sustainable actions should be the guideline in everyday life: from the treatment of our body, the food we grow and eat, the management of our private and public finances, the allocation of funds for research, all the way to our perspective on our planet earth - its vast but ultimately limited space and resources.
Our ambition is to fully understand the needs of our customers, think our strategies and proposals thoroughly to the end and then utilize our long time experience, our know how and our business acumen to the best benefit of our customers.
One thing however we don't do: writing fancy brochures on glossy paper. Instead we surprise with unexpected proposals, unrivaled designs and ready to go smart solutions that generate sustainable results for you - our valued clients and customers.
A2C GmbH
consulting sustainability